
Kory S - Springfield, Missouri

"E-Mailing more people instead of calling."

Jessica B - Brunswick, Maine

"I found the tip to get into the longest drink line really clever, that I could make two really nice connections there. "

Andrew B - London, England

"Networking systematically. "

Michael C - Arvada, Colorado

"I think I learned I'm doing the right things, just need to keep at it."

David R - MANCHESTER, Maine

"Know, like, trust."

Edward S - Dardenne Prairie, Missouri

"The speaker recommended making a list of law school colleagues and reaching out to them for referrals"

Thomas C - South Portland, Maine


Mark Charles F - Louisville, Kentucky

"I picked up a number of useful ideas and was able to put other ones into perspective."

William L - Manchester, Maine

"Meeting person on left and right at CLE"

Jason H - Portland, Maine

"Put together a contacts list"