
Lane W - Lawrence, Kansas

"Seek to be as diverse as possible in staff."

Jacqueline M - Portland, Maine

"Nothing new for me....its hard being an attorney and a woman."

Tom C - Bangor, Maine

"Strategies and tools not generally discussed in program. Recognition of implicit bias can help overcome barriers to diversity."

Elizabeth F - Sherwood, Oregon

"awareness - trying to be more actively aware of this bias."

Samuel M - Kansas City, Missouri

"Being an advocate for women by doing my part to make sure that female attorneys have an uninterrupted platform in the workplace."

Katie S - Kansas City, Missouri

"Including women more and actively seeking them out to mentor."

Sean A - Winter Park, Florida

"Completely agree with what the speaker was teaching. I have 2 daughters. "

Mary Ellen W - Cape Elizabeth, Maine

"tools for dealing with uncomfortable situations"

Michelle D - Portland, Maine

"power of mentoring"

Robert W - Dedham, Massachusetts

"Actively seek to increase diversity of contacts, advisors and service providers"