Brittany S - Wells, Maine"communicate with others for guidance" |
Judith R - Santa Monica, California"Mindfulness to deal with stress; visualization to deal with my own biases." |
Michael E - York, Maine"Implicit bias awareness. " |
Andrew E - South Portland, Maine"Ask others for guidance when seeking to communicate consciously." |
David Z - Bethesda, Maryland"Make meditative practices more a part of my daily work life. " |
Rita S - South Freeport, Maine"Meditation is a great tool for finding perspective in relating to others. " |
Joelle P - Jay, Maine"Meditating" |
Rebecca G - Cumberland Center, Maine"I think just taking the time to be aware - sometimes tough to do in the fast paced corporate environment." |
Naomi S - Portland, Maine"Focused awareness" |
Matthew S - Portland, Maine"Checking implicit bias in expanded contexts" |