Joseph R - Rye, New Hampshire"Ask the question" |
Hannah B - Pittsfield, Maine"gratitude mediation" |
Elizabeth S - Gorham, Maine"slowing down" |
Andrew M - Durham, Maine"Being open to asking others about potential unconscious bias questions, and not relying on social media. I also learned to try and be my mindful while practicing law through the use of periodic meditation. " |
Alison L - Portland, Maine"being carefule on mindful website" |
Kimberly T - Lincolnville, Maine"visualization" |
Neria D - Lewiston, Maine"when in doubt about how to address or interact with someone, ask them. ask others for guidance" |
VICKI M - Biddeford, Maine"Need to recognize the biases we have before can change how they impact us and others" |
Jayne B - Topsfield, Massachusetts"gender neutral language, or just ask." |
Luis C - Augusta, Maine"practicing gratitude" |