
Nancy K - Walnut Creek, California

"I thought the examination of law enforcement and attorney roles in a tragic real-life situation was enlightening and interesting. "

Connor C - Ellsworth, Maine

"Was informative"

Andrew S - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"The movie clips!"

Kelcey N - Carbondale, Colorado

"Very interesting and engaging - one of the best CLEs I have taken"

Ryan S - Los Angeles, California

"Bringing in videos from the movie."

Joe P - Nashua, New Hampshire

"Really interesting, good use of movie clips and the speaker has a nice style. Very informative."

Pilar W - Annandale, Virginia

"Very informative"

Stephen H - Chebeague Island, Maine

"History was new to me, especially about the role of the FBI."

Nicholas J - Camden, Maine

"Very interesting topic"

Charles D - Augusta, Maine

"The detailed outline of historical abuse of native American rights, lives, and property continuing into the 20th Century"