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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.

Philip Bogdanoff is a nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker on the topics of ethics, professionalism, and other related topics. Previously, as an attorney, he served as assistant prosecutor in the Summit County, Ohio Prosecutor’s Office for more than 25 years, beginning in 1981. Mr. Bogdanoff argued cases before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals and twenty cases before the Ohio Supreme Court including six death penalty cases - before retiring as a senior assistant prosecutor. 
He is the author of numerous articles on ethics, professionalism and other related legal topics and has taught the members of numerous organizations including the National Association of Legal Administrators, as well as numerous state and local Bar associations, Prosecuting Attorney's Associations, and law firms. More information about Mr. Bogdanoff is available on his Web site at


Product Type
On Demand

Disorder in the Court: An Attorney’s Guide to Judicial Misconduct

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Rule 8.3 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct indicates that “a lawyer who knows that that a judge has committed a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct that raises a substantial que...

Product Type
On Demand

Winning Strategies to Prevent Evidence from Being Suppressed

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Whether it is a stop and frisk, walk and talk or 911 emergency call for assistance, police officers conduct warrantless seizures and searches every day and it is our job to insure that the evidence th...

Product Type
On Demand

Evidentiary Issues for Trial Prosecutors

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
As a prosecutor, we all have our horror stories about witnesses. In this presentation, we will examine issues relating to witnesses including enforcing a subpoena of a witness, impeaching your own wit...

Product Type
On Demand

OPAA-Disorder in the Court

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Rule 8.3 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct indicates that “a lawyer who knows that that a judge has committed a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct that raises a substantial que...

Product Type
On Demand

Persuasive Brief Writing: What Judges want in their Briefs

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Winning the lottery means nothing if you lose the winning ticket before you get to the lottery agent. Similarly, obtaining a guilty verdict after a long and exhausting trial is worthless if your appe...

Showing 1 to 5 of 23 entries