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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Bill Cosby victimized nearly sixty women and was convicted of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand and sentenced to prison.  However, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed his convictions indicating he could not be tried again.   In 2006 the FBI did an extensive investigation of Jeffrey Epstein and found that he had sexually assaulted 37 girls, some as young as 14, and prepared...

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
58 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Women lawyers’ median weekly pay is 26.5% less than male lawyers and the pay gap is larger for partners and only getting worse. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has commented that the gender pay gap is “an embarrassing reality of our economy.” In this presentation we review the history of the gender pay gap and determine if there has been any progress in the last 50 years.

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