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On Demand

Jeffrey R. Schoenberger, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Legal technology is a double-edged sword; it can cause malpractice, or it can guard against it! Most of the top causes for malpractice and grievance issues are related to organization, communication, and law office management. As such, they are largely preventable. How do you properly communicate confidential information with clients? How do you properly negotiate documents with opposing counsel?

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On Demand

Jeffrey R. Schoenberger, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Law and medicine were always the pair: well-respected professions, pathways to middle class (or better!) comfort, and laggards with technology. Whether you went to a doctor’s office or a lawyer’s office, paper ruled the day. But that’s changing. One of the last bastions of “paper is king” is the executed document – “wet” signatures serving as proof ...

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
Short Description:
The representation of women and minorities in major U.S. law firms, especially at the partnership level, remains abysmally low. The numbers indicate that relative to the overall population (half women; one-third minority) and that of the demographic makeup of law students, women and minorities continue to be under-represented among the partnership ranks at major law firms. According to the latest

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Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. |  John W. Simek
Publication Date:
Jan 07, 2016
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Encryption is now a generally accepted security measure for protecting confidential data – both when stored and transmitted. Data breaches have become a common occurrence, and hackers cannot only get confidential details about a case or deal, but steal your client's information as well. Fortunately, easy-to-use options are available today for encryption.

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On Demand

Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Smartphones are in reality powerful computers that store massive amounts of data, potentially including information that lawyers are required to keep confidential under the Rules of Professional Conduct, such as client names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and other information. This program will discuss the data stored by smartphones, and the dangers created by apps that can access ...

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Simulive Replay

Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Smartphones are in reality powerful computers that store massive amounts of data, potentially including information that lawyers are required to keep confidential under the Rules of Professional Conduct, such as client names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and other information. This program will discuss the data stored by smartphones, and the dangers created by apps that can access ...

Wed, Mar 12, 2025 - 10:00am to 11:00am PDT

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On Demand

Steve Hughes
Audio and Video
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Smart attorneys know that it’s not enough to have the best argument or the perfect solution—you also need to be able to communicate ideas effectively.  This is certainly the case when it comes to PowerPoint presentations. Flashes of Brilliance is a dynamic program that shows you how to create and deliver winning visual presentations regardless of your design...

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On Demand

Cynthia Sharp, Esq. |  Becky Howlett, Esq
1 Hour 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
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As attorneys, chronic stress is often a part of our job. If we do not effectively manage chronic stress, however, it has the potential to cripple our productivity levels. Chronic stress can also make it physically, mentally, and emotionally impossible to advocate for our clients and communicate with them effectively and competently. Further, we run the risk of violating the rules of professional ...

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On Demand

Katy Goshtasbi, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Our personal brands make us unique as lawyers.  They also create an environment where conflict reigns and diversity is lacking if the personal brand distinctions are not clarified and harnessed well.  The result is a happier workforce, collaborative work environment, maximum efficiency and better attorney-client relationships and attorney- attorney relationships.   In this interac

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On Demand

Becky Howlett, Esq |  Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The ABA and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation’s (ABA/HBFF) groundbreaking 2016 study confirmed devastatingly high rates of both mental health concerns and substance abuse amongst lawyers. For example, between 21-36% of attorneys qualify as problem drinkers—3-5x higher than the general population. Moreover, 25-30% of attorney disciplinary matters, 60% of all malpractice claims, and 85% of

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